Apr 14, 2009

Seasons Of The Soul

As long as the earth endures seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22)

Lorie where are you?
I am here my sistah’s lol, surrounded by piles of vintage journals, yes! you heard right I have been busy creating thirty vintage journals for my upcoming Women’s Camp workshop titled “Seasons of the Soul.” The theme for this year will be “Seasons of Life” scripture from Ecclesiastes; my soul has been going through a time and season of deep soul searching.

Even before this upcoming workshop, I have been called away by the Lord for a time of resting, both spiritually, and physically. My husband went through a similar season, and I was very active with church, and so many projects. Now I am at a place of rest like he was, and he now is fully active in church, doing various music ministry programs with the worship team, and gospel choir.

I feel like I have been going through a desert season, needing to find my way to the well, and meet with the Lord. My cup empty, my spirit restless, and my soul needing comfort, there is a stirring going on within me. The dreams that I have been having seems to continue night after night for three days now, there is a pattern, and similar events happening but in different ways, times, and in different places.

I have been writing it down in my journal, and I know it has a part in my journey of searching within. I believe the Lord has been causing this stirring within me. Maybe he will reveal it before my workshop, if not I wait patiently with hope, that whatever comes out of this time of searching, my soul will be prepared for a time of revealing, receiving, and replenishing.

When I came back from a Women's Retreat in the beginning of April, it truly was a time of sharing, and the beginning of healing, as we took a breather away from busyness to spend intimate moments with the Lord. I am excited to see how the Holy Spirit will lead us through my workshop this weekend, please say a little prayer for me.

Here is a brief description of my workshop.
I look forward to sharing with all of you when I get back.

Seasons of the Soul

As long as the earth endures seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease. (Genesis 8:22)

Just as the seasons go through changes, our soul goes through a journey through the seasons of life. Beautiful vintage journals await each woman’s soul experiences, expressions, creativeness, dreams, and desires.

A time filled with sharing as a group, a journey to find wholeness and healing takes us to search deep within our soul. Opening and understanding our soul can begin when we authentically and honestly face what the Lord reveals to each of us.

Loving our soul through the process can happen; if we believe and truly accept that we are God's beloved. What season is your soul in today? What promises awaits each woman? Let us discover together… “The Seasons of the Soul.”

Workshop Leader: Lorie A. Yocum
April 17-20
Camp Homelani, Hawaii

Please let me know if you have any prayer requests, I will be doing a prayer walk along the beach and lifting up the requests in my prayer journal.


Kay Martin said...

I know that desert time. When I'm there, the arid barrenness gets to me, but I know who led me there for His purposes. You are such a mighty woman of God and as I read your blog and see the amazing following of your readers: I know that God is equiping you for mighty works.

May He open up old wells as He showed Isaac where his fathers wells were in the desert. May you be refreshed by Rehoboth...water flowing without ceasing in the desert.

Please lift up my family:
Kay, John...son (30), daughter Leigh (40), as we grieve my husband's death last year and his birthday today. I cherish your prayers.

Kay of SC

Sharon said...

Sometimes it's good when we get that Seasons of stillness going on, I think he works on us the most then.
Praying for you and with you!
Have a beautiful day!

Blessings each day said...

I will joyfully pray for you, Lorie that the Lord blesses all the good that you do as well as those whose lives you will touch.

blessings from your sistah,

Jennsmere said...

Bless you, Lorie! Your 'season' sounds so familiar...in God's good timing, He will speak to your precious heart and reveal new wonders to your soul.

Wish I could be in you class at camp!!!

So good to be back with you...

BlueRose said...

I just want to say HI to ya sistah. May you have a wonderful day and thank you so much for your lovely site.

Salty said...

Dear Sister,
Visiting your blog is indeed a breather for me. I can be sure to take something back every time I come here!
I'm just out of a desert season of my soul. It had stretched for so long that I'd begun to wonder if it would ever end. But God has been good to me! I've taken a break from my job and have no idea where He will lead me next. I'm sure however, that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of mylife.
Please keep me in your prayers. God has given me a second life and I want to live it well :)

From the Heart said...

I will be praying for you this weekend that God will speak through you to the people at your workshop.

I have a friend that has been like a mother to me. She will probably be going home to Heaven sometime day unless God heals her. Please pray for her family.

Thanks for your support. I am so glad we have gotten to know each other. I value your friendship and prayers.
Luv u, Sistah,

Rachel said...

Hi Lori,

I have been a out of blogland a bit because I had PRK eye surgery but now I am glasses/contacts free! I really couldn't work on the computer for about a week and a half. Then we had company in town - so I have missed traversing my blog friends posts!

Many are restless in their spirits - I believe God is moving in the hearts of His people. It is a call to Him in a very personal way. I will be praying for you.

HOPE said...

Oh how we all know these times in our Christian walk...all for a purpose..just like the seasons.

I hope to blog on this very subject..the seasons of our life...a little different approach but nonetheless...we go through them.

This was a very encouraging post Lori as are all your writings..and lovely poetry.

I pray that all is accomplished as the LORD desires through your ministry.

God bless and hugs..

Rilda said...

Hello Bless it Sistah!! May your hearts desires become manifested during this season for He put them there. It is a awesome work ahead as God's will is done. Each season brings with it much needed to bring it forth. Received as believing for your best destiny to unfold.
The ideal steadily held is what predetermines and attracts the neccessary conditions for it's fulfillment.
Lovingly, rilda *U*

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Thank you for sharing your heart. Much love,

Leaon Mary said...

Hey Lorie,

Times when I've walked in the wilderness, although I felt pretty alone, and like I should "be somewhere," .... it was those times God was doing SO MUCH in me.
I'm praying for you.
The vintage journals sound AWESOME.

Cathy said...

Praying for you, sweet Lorie ~
I am taking medicine for an infection, and am supposed to take two heart tests on Monday, if I feel like it. Thanks for the prayers - we can pray for each other.
Love and Hugs,

Leaon Mary said...

Good morning Merry Sonshine!
Just popped in to say hello.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Thank you so much Lori. You are heaven sent!

Here are my prayer request...
My baby sister is going through a divorce and it's very difficult for her to let go and move forward.

My parents are both living separately and alone. I pray that the Lord will send them each a partner to share in their golden years.

I'm continually praying that my daughter invites Christ into her life.

I'm continually asking the Lord to use me.

Thank you so very much and wishing you Love, peace and continued blessings in your Spiritual Journey!


Debra said...

Dear Lorie,
I love you, my sistah!! I loved the post too-it was restful and thoughtful. I wish you'd show what the journals look like sometime.
I pray you will be blessed, and be a blessing...Yes, I do have a request-I'll leave it unspoken-because He knows.
Much love, Debra

LisaShaw said...

Sweet one I SO understand! I've been there and when you need to pull back and just rest and hear God then you must. I know all will go well with the ladies and I'm a huge journal person. Please post a photo when you can of the ones you're working on. Would love to see it.

Love and hugs.

Joy said...

I know you are busy preparing for your retreat. I admire you for taking a break and really listening to the Lord and waiting for Him.
You are a wonderful example to us all.
Please pray I will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading in my life.


Celestina Marie said...

Hi Lorie,
What a wonderful workshop camp you are preparing for. I will keep you in my pryaers for the work you are doing.
Your blog is such a beautiful place to visit. God has truly blessed you with a special gift.

Have a wondeful weekend.
Blessings with a hug,
Celestina Marie

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Lorie,
Just as the seasons come and go, so I too am going through a dry period. My mother has been in hospital for three weeks, after having hip surgery, and I am very weary. Perhaps you might find a moment to remember me as well for renewed strength and direction. I want His will done in my life above all else. Be encouraged and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Blessings & hugs,

Joy said...

Lorie, I am coming to you for a big prayer request...I know that the Lord led me to you...to make a long story short...I gave up a son 18 yrs ago, but have kept in contact with him (open adoption) as we are coming upon his graduation and everything, we have found out that my son may have a rare heart disease...ARVD. we are scared that he may have to do a heart biopsy and that he may never play soccer again and that he could die from this. I am asking for your prayer as my family and him go through this major ordeal. that the Lord knows that I'm trying to reach out with my own prayer but to have my sisters in Christ help as well. I thank you for your friendship.
I hope all is well with you too! please keep us in your prayers as we need more prayer than ever. Hugs, Joy

God Chaser said...

Appears I have been away from you for a while but you have been very busy and sharing your truths learned in fellowshipping with others. A breather sounds great at this time for me also. I am not in the desert at this time but have to make some decisions and words help me to see I just need to sit in His Presence and let Him minister to me. Thanks again for your encouragement. blessings