Oct 25, 2008

Be Filled With Joy... Series Two

To be filled with Joy is when our spirit becomes one with the Lord. You see Joy is a spirit to spirit experience, it has to do with settling the accounts of your life with God. It touches your soul in a way that you can no longer deny the changes going on within you, and it opens your eyes to see the extraordinary things that God is doing around you. It is the greatness of God revealed in your life, that developed in you over a period of time.

Joy is confidence, certainty, resolution, and submission, it more than happiness, or pleasure. Joy does not come out of thin air, it is a state of ones heart that develops and matures, a heart not being afraid of endings or beginning, and is open to embrace all of life with joy. Joy is realizing what you can or cannot do, it is a settled state of the soul, it accepts the fact that you can't fix everything, change someone, or please everybody. Joy is loving, and expressing, who you are, what you stand for, and in whom you believe in. Joy is the best make up and wardrobe to wear each day.

In James 1:2 it says, "Consider it pure Joy whenever you face trials of many kinds," another translation says, "Whenever trouble comes your way let it be an opportunity for Joy." He did not give us a command to be happy, or say we should always have a smile on our face, he knew only his Joy could make us walk with our head held high, and allow us to face each day with a confidence and assurance that he in control. His Joy is the calmness in the center of the storm, the anchor that keeps us in place when everything around us is being swept away and broken in pieces. It's the holy spirit working on the inside, so that we can spread his Joy and encourage others despite our own afflictions, battles, or circumstances.

An old Cherokee Expression says, When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy. Allow yourself to trust joy and embrace it. You will find you dance with everything. Gloom we have always with us, a rank and sturdy weed, but joy requires tending.

The more I study on Joy, the more I am filled with it, that is what joy requires. It is making sure the enemy knows it is being well guarded and always being tended to by the word of God, prayer, and by a soul totally sold out for him. The spark of life is within each of us, and to create a lifetime of joy ,we simply need to to live a soul centered life that is filled with the Joy of the Lord.

Prayer: Dear Lord, please become the center of my Joy today.
Make my spirit one with yours so I may know true Joy in my life and for myself. I want your greatness to be revealed in my life, I want to walk in the full confidence of your joy, with my head held high no matter what circumstances I may be facing. I know that as long as I have you in my life, I will also have your Joy, as well as your strength... Amen

Encouragement From My Heart Devotions 2008
Join me next Sunday for Series 3: The Joy Snatchers


SmilingSally said...

I love "His Joy is the calmness in the center of the storm." Happy Spiritual Sunday!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful description of joy. I feel sorry for people who do not have the joy of the Lord in their lives. I don't believe one can know real joy without it. Other things can bring you joy and happiness for a while, but the joy of the Lord is lasting. Thank you for sharing this with us today.

Musings of A Minister said...

Very inspiring and encouraging. This is an excellent series. I look forward to next Sunday.

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

How beautiful and inspiring to know the joy of the Lord is ours for the taking, it is always there. A precious prayer, thank you!

Kathi :)

Kelly said...

We may reap in tears, but joy comes in the morning! My life has had many trials, and they continue...but my God loves me so much he continues to say "Have you considered my girl Kelly?" And I pray I can continue to hold firm in the faith. Praise God!

From the Heart said...

Another great post on joy. There's a verse in Psalms 16:11 that says "You have made known to me the path of life; You will fill me with joy in Your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
Blessings my Sistah,

Vickie said...

I love it when you say, "Joy is the best makeup and wardrobe to wear each day." That is so beautiful.

It makes me think of Colossians 3:12 when Paul tells us to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. When we wear the fruits of the spirit we are clothed in the joy of the Lord.

A beautiful series.

Glad to get to know you and thanks for stopping by my blog. I will be back to follow on when you talk more about the joy of the Lord.


God Chaser said...

May I always be filled with His joy. Real joy , the joy I have even in the midst of my storms. Thanks do much for this you are a great teacher.

Leaon Mary said...

OH this was perfect today!
Our sermon today was on Nehemiah.
The Joy of the lord is my strength!

Cathy said...

I am thankful the joy of the Lord is my strength. A great post, dear Sister ~

Becky said...

Thank you for the encouragement and AMEN!

sailorcross said...

Hi Lorie!

You have described joy perfectly!! This kind of joy is always with us--a peace that will stand strong during any storm--the joy of knowing Jesus.


Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

What a great post and a beautiful prayer. We are so blessed the the Lord brings us joy. I wish everyone could feel this joy.
OH~~~~ Thank-you so much for the two awards I am so behind, I share them when I do my next post, how sweet!
God Bless,

Kay Martin said...

I am drawn to you by your joy. It radiates in your words and even in your pictures. Yes, supernatural joy is our blessing and it has so little to do with what is going on in our lives.

When you were going through some health issues a few weeks ago your joy was present.

Thanks for this series. What a blessing.

Nancie said...

Hi Lorie, thank God for giving us His joy which is our strength always! Thanks for your prayers and encouragements. Thank God that we can pray and encourage one another. I am praying for you too. Thanks for your (((Hugz))).

(((Hugz))) back to you :) Take care and remember to pace yourself moderately too :) God bless you, Sistah!

Sharon Brumfield said...

"It is making sure the enemy knows it is being well guarded and always being tended to by the word of God, prayer, and by a soul totally sold out for him."---this really hit me with its truth. A soul totally sold out to Him.No matter what i see with earthly eyes...my spirit must stand on the truth.
Good stuff.

Edie said...

The girls have been listening to Sunday School songs all day, so the first thing that comes to mind is ... I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart. where? Down in my heart to STAY!

You are truely full of the Joy of the Lord Lorie. What a delight!

Joy Junktion said...

Hi Lorie,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and introducing me to another person who loves to find joy in everything we face.
I will be sure to visit your blog regularly.

Sharon said...

Joy, what a wonderful word, what a wonderful feeling, what a wonderful experience. To be filled over flowing!
I sure wish I would of read this Sunday, but brad and I have been looking for a new church and then coming home and working in our backyard, it has become our paradise, our re-treat, our peace to just sit and chat with God, its soooo beautiful. O-k last night we burned a-log it was soooo nice, it was cold here, can't believe it got this cold for florida. but we sure did enjoy it.
have a BLESSED DAY my friend

Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

Wonderful as always! Bless you my Sister in Christ Jesus!

Toia said...

The joy of the Lord is my strength!! There's no joy like God's joy. Thanks for your post.

HOPE said...

Amen...JOY surely comes in knowing that God does ALL things well and we can find great comfort each day, resting in this.

They that sow in tears shall reap in joy. Psalm 126:5

I have personally known this verse to be true!

a definition says..great delight..and greatly valued

the trials that bring tears..yet reap Godly fruit..surely are a great delight and greatly valued!

Thanks Lori for your time and heart in posting this.


Renna said...

I am looking forward to part three, Sis; this is great!