Nov 2, 2008

Beware Of The Joy Snatcher's..Series Three

John 10:10.. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.

Joy does not depend on circumstances, because it rests in God’s sovereign control of all things.

As I continue on my study of Joy, I get more and more excited, and my spirit rejoices over the treasures the Lord keeps revealing to me. Joy cannot be contained, the greatest good you can do for another is not just to share about God's Joy, but to encourage, and introduce them to the Joy giver, so they can get to know him, and experience his joy for themselves.

Do you remember the time when you invited the Lord into your heart, and made him the Lord over your life. The Joy that filled you till it overflowed, and you just could not keep it to yourself, you wanted to shout and tell the whole world about the Joy of the Lord.
Where is that Joy today ? What thief came into your life and snatched it away from you.

Life can be full of ups and downs, full of all sorts of happenings. One moment you seem to be like a peaceful river going with the flow, when suddenly up ahead you are greeted by a raging unexpected waterfalls. Maybe you feel confused, angry, or discouraged. All you know is that all of a sudden, your Joy is gone.
There are many situations or circumstances that can rob us of our Joy, unexpected events that catches us off guard, and side swipes us without any warning. Something that someone will do, or say to us, that will cause us to become angry, hurt, discouraged, or bitter. It may be the loss of a loved one, It may be the loss of a job, it could be the break-up of a relationship, health issues, or...

Dreadful uneasiness over danger, the unknown, world events, or the future.
Uncontrollable anxiety about something that may or may not happen.
Intense strain over a situation or circumstance you can't change or control .
Uncontrolled Emotions..
Anger, bitterness, jealousy, envy, pride, guilt, shame,hurt and pain.

The list is endless, all of these an be Joy stealer's, Joy robbers, these things can distract us from the life that God wants us to enjoy. The devil lurks and waits for the right opportunity to come and snatch our Joy, 1 Peter 5:8 says, the devil, as a roaring lion, walks about, seeking whom he may devour. Jesus said in John 10:10 "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. He wants to steal, kill, and destroy the Joy that rightfully belongs to you.

Joy is about the choices we make, the wisdom to make them ,and the courage to make it happen. It will help a great deal if you realize that your joy is rooted in God, in order for it to remain we must guard it, and cling to it. God's Joy is priceless, you can't buy it, or sell it, and the world can't give it to you. Though others may have riches we desire, nothing can compare to the riches of Joy God gives us. In his presence there is fullness of Joy, Joy unspeakable, and full of God's glory. Joy filled peace, and full of Comfort.

Tune in to Series Four:

Prayer.. Dear Lord, help me not to allow anyone, or anything, to rob me of your Joy. Help me to guard it, protect it, and maintain it, reveal to me if there is anything in my life that is keeping me from receiving the fullness of your joy. I need your Joy in my life, for your Joy is my strength, restore unto me oh Lord the Joy of your salvation... Amen

Visit Spiritual Sundays
and read other inspirational posts.


SmilingSally said...

Our joy comes from the Lord; thank you for reminding me of this truth. And joy is not the same thing as happiness, which is fleeting.

Cherdecor said...

I always enjoy your devotionals and this one this morning is especially good. Have a blessed Lord's Day!

Musings of A Minister said...

I continue to enjoy and profit from this splendid series of studies on joy. I do remember the great joy on that dark, cold night back in Oklahoma when I gave my heart to God and was baptized. I went on my way rejoicing and wanting to tell the world. I spent 50 years preaching the gospel with great joy. And yet I know all about those joy stealers. I fight them constantly. (I read your post about crying also and I want to thank you for that post too.)

Ginger~~Enchanting Cottage said...

I am enjoy your series on Joy. Thank-you so much for sharing your joy on Spiritual Sundays.
God Bless,

From the Heart said...

A great post on joy. Without the joy of the Lord in our hearts, we open up ourselves to the evil things of this world. One of your statements about the world didn't give it me reminds me of a song that my brother-in-law sings, "The world didn't give it to me and the world can't take it away." We have so many things to be joyful about even though we may be going through the valley. It's that joy that will help bring us out of the valley.

I have a prayer request. I'm having pain in my right side. I've prayed, I've cast satan out, I've done everything I know to do but I guess I need some help. I do not want to go to the doctor, I do not want anymore surgery, I choose to believe this day that Jesus is in control of my body and by His stripes I am healed.

Thanks for letting me share this with you,

sailorcross said...

Hi Lorie!!

I love this post about joy--about how something or someone can "sneak" in and try to steal this away from me. And it always seems to start in my thoughts--"The Thief" always is not as smart as he thinks he is, because he always uses the same tricks on me, over and over again--and it always starts in my thoughts--maybe I'm not good enough, maybe I'm just not worthy enough, this is why you're struggling....need I go on?

I'm going to copy your prayer and carry it with me, if that's okay with you. I do not want my joy stolen by anyone or anything.


Renna said...

This series is so very timely for me, as it's an area where I seem to be struggling these days. I just want you to know that I appreciate your taking the time to do this!

Speaking of joy, you do spread it around, Sista!

Anonymous said...

THank you for the series on JOY... God has been showing me so much about this... the enemy truly wants to snatch our Joy so that we will no longer be a witness for our Lord!!!

Edie said...

God has been reminding me a lot lately the The Joy of the Lord is our Strength. Love your reminders today! Rich Blessings to you sister!

Jennifer said...

What a wonderful, truthful series on joy! I have found myself, sometimes...caught off guard, and without realizing joy was stolen.

I am so thankful that our joy can be restored when we go back to the creator of our joy...our Heavenly Father.

Thank you for sharing and giving so much insight with each of your entries. I always leave blessed!

God Chaser said...

I am so glad I have learned the devil's schemes and know my joy is from the Lord. thanks for helping me to remember to pay closer attention to those things that can steal my joy. Be blessed

Anonymous said...

Amen. It is so easy to be upset about something that someone does or says and for awhile the joy is gone. I sometimes have to remind myself that I will not let that person steal my joy. Thank you for sharing with us on Spiritual Sundays.

Nancie said...

Great post, Lorie! Thank God for the joy He gives us when He first saved us and the joy He continues to give us when we trust in Him day by day.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragements, Sistah! May God grant you a very blessed week. Take care! Luv ya. Hugs

Juri said...

Joy snatchers...I loved this post!!! I remember hearing that depression is very is I have always beleived in the "beware of joy snatchers". Thank you for this reminder!

Kathi~Lavender, Lace and Thyme said...

A wonderful reminder our joy comes from our Lord and we should never let anyone or anything steal it away. Sometimes it's difficult but your words will be a reminder to me. A precious prayer, thank you!

A blessed evening to you,
Kathi :)

michelle said...

excellent post!

Darlene said...

Love the devotion on Joy. It amazes me how fast it can be ripped away if we are not on guard. With everything going on in my doesn't take much these days. I will be working on this. Pray for us.
Thanks for sharing this !

Cathy said...

Thanks for that post, Lorie. I found some music ,I have written, that I thought was lost. And I have been singing about joy today. :o)

Vickie said...

Great post Lorie. I am determined to keep the joy of the Lord for it truly is my strength.


Joyfulsister said...

Thank you for your comments and inputs on this series of Joy. It has been such an eye opener for me, and it just makes me want to dig even deeper into the word. I am learning and applying it in my life as well.

Hugz Lorie

Kay Martin said...

Somehow I missed how I could make a difference in my own life by the choices of thought I allowed in my own mind. You are on target that joy comes to all of us when we commit with all we have to protect our minds from the thieves of the goodness of our Lord: joy, rest, hope, assurance. Beautiful usual.

From the Heart said...

Thanks, Lorie, I don't mine being on a prayer list. The pain went away last yesterday afternoon. I just kept praying, and praying. I have had this pain before and it would go away and then come back a week or two later. I am believing that God has healed me. Putting me on the prayer request will be okay anyway. That probably sounds doubtful but the enemy can attack at any time. He's tried several times and I would rather be covered in prayer by others. Am I making any sense at all?

HOPE said...


So true! We should guard this JOY knowing it is pleasing to the LORD. To rejoice daily in HIM.

I recall a card once saying...

I REFUSE to let the devil discourage me today!


God bless you...

Sharon said...

Amennnnn, what a wonderful reminder, I am constantly reminding myself or my friends in Christ, Not to let anyone steal your Joy!! I love this that you wrote, it is such a uplifter!

Be Blessed my friend

Rev. Brad Hurley said...

I was just reading james and it was on joy and patience. Joy is something that you can choose to put on like a coat. Its your choice to put it on or take it off. Even in trials we count it all joy because God is in control. And we know all things work together for good to those who love Christ Jesus. So be happy everyone God loves you!!!!!!!!!! Awesome post! God bless.

Sonya Lee Thompson said...

Great devotional! I needed to be reminded that the enemy is trying to steal all of my blessings of God. But he has no authority here, because God is in my heart. :)


Debra said...

Hello dear friend and sistah!
Great information here, and so true.
It's so easy to get lulled into a stupor and forget that the enemy is a roaring lion. We can't be found sleeping.
I think an important test of how we are in the Lord is the Joy Test. What are those things that are stealing it if we don't feel it? What is the root they are growing from? If we pray about this stuff, He will show us and help us to get beyond it, so our joy will be full.
Love, Debra

Anonymous said...

Hey Lorie,
I am doing okay. It could be better but it could be worst. So I am hanging on to okay for the moment. I know GOD is working and things will be good again.

Thank you for asking.

Jennifer said...

When you get a chance...come by my site...I have an award waiting for you.

Have a blessed day!

Rev.Aaron Holcombe said...

Thank God that real joy does not come from a feeling, because we know that in this life there are things we go through that are not enjoyable. The truth is that real, true joy comes from knowing and loving the Lord Jesus Christ! Thanks for this post it was encouraging for me to read considering all that I am going through now physically. I am pray ing that God pour out some great blessings just for you today!! Love you my sister! said...

"God's Joy is priceless, you can't buy it, or sell it, and the world can't give it to you" So true. Lori...I'm enjoying this series!! Thank you for posting them.

Joy said...

I am thankful that the Joy of the Lord is my strength. In our weakness He is strong. Thank you for the reminder that when I take my focus off of Jesus, things become joy-stealers, but He is the Author and Finisher of my faith. Help me stay focused Lord is my prayer.

Leaon Mary said...

amen FOR JOY!!!!

Fitts said...

Dear sister, I needed to stop by your blog today. Thanks for what you do.

DeAntwan Fitts

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Amen. Thanks for this encouraging post. On another note, I need help in choosing a new profile picture. Could you come on over to my blog and vote on the ones I put up in the post? Thanks in advance.

Shanita Waters said...

Awesome post!

Shanita Waters said...

Awesome post! We're on the same wave length. I wrote a simmilar message with the same pic last week. I know that stumbling across your blog today was confirmation. God is SO good!