Nov 19, 2008

A Letter To My Daughter

My Dearest Daughter…

Wow the days sure went by fast, since you came home to visit. I wish we had more time to spend together, I wanted to tell you so many things from my heart, so many distractions seem to get in the way. Remember never allow anyone to steal your joy, your strength depends so much on it.

You have turned out to be such a beautiful young woman, and I am so proud of your courage to be self sufficient, and independent. You know your dad and I love you so much and we truly want the best for you. We pray and hope that one day you will see in yourself the awesome woman that you really are, when I look into your eyes I see such greatness, as the Lord allows me to peek into the windows of your soul.

Write my daughter with all that is within you, let this gift that the Lord has placed way deep within your spirit rise up, awaken it, bring life to it, write it down in the quietness of the night. Search deep within, for it awaits to be discovered, and uncovered by you, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Seek not the purpose, but the plans that the Lord has for you let Jeremiah 29:11 be your life scripture, read it over and over, until it takes hold of your mind, soul, and spirit. Believe in it, receive it, breathe it, and live it,

Stop searching and start seeking, stop doubting, start believing, this is your moment to bloom, to blossom, to build, to attain, to remain on the path that you were on before you were side tracked while on your journey to greatness. The same path is still there, it awaits you, and the loving hands of God longs so much to take hold of yours, so he can guide you back onto that path.

Remember you were fearfully and wonderfully created by the hands of the mighty creator himself. All that you have gone through since you wandered off the tried and true path, are now stepping stones, and life’s lessons, to learn from. Nothing can be changed it happened, besides it’s not yours to change.

The only thing that you can change is how you will live your life from this moment on. The choices you make today will determine where you will be five years from now, choose wisely, and the let the hand of the Lord lead you. Do not go ahead of him, follow him with all of your heart.

I write this from deep within my soul as the holy spirit leads me. You have a sister who will one day be searching, help keep her on the true and tried path. Allow her to see the greatness that lies within you, and she will one day seek it for herself, believing that with God all things are possible for her as well. You have so much to offer to this world. and those who live in it.

You have only one life to live on this earth, live it to the fullest in a way that will be pleasing to the Lord, because at the end of your journey, it will be just you and the Lord face to face.

Let the Lord fill you with his everlasting, and unconditional love, that will allow you to love yourself, be kind to yourself, value yourself. There is a prince that awaits you, and who will praise and thank the Lord for bringing you into his presence. He will treat you how a daughter of the most high should be treated, I believe this with all my heart my sweet baby girl.

We continue to pray for you each day you are so loved by your family, who totally adores you, and believes in you.. And always remember greater is in that is in you, then he who is in the world. Now go and discover the greatness in you.

Hugz Mom


Sheryl said...

wow, absolutely beautiful! there are words in here for each of us. thank you.

love to you,

teacupsandpoodles said...

What a beautiful letter!
Have a wonderful day!
Mary Ann

Cherdecor said...

What a nice tribute to your daughter! I know that it will touch her heart.

Shanita Waters said...

That was so beautifully written. Although that message was for "your" daughter, I truly felt that a lot of the things you wrote spoke to my spirit.

I pray that God's perfect will be done in your and your daughter's life and that she may be the woman of God that He called her to be.


Debra said...

Lorie, this really made me cry as I read it. You are a real encourager and a great Mom. With you as her example and the Lord as her guide, I'm sure your daughter will make a mark in heaven and on earth for the Lord.
It was a beautiful letter.
Love, Debra

From the Heart said...

A beautiful letter to the one you gave life to. Any daughter would be proud to have you as a Mom.
This gives me inspiration for my two daughters.

Kay Martin said...

Knowing you through this blog I know your daughter is a lovely, kind wonderful young woman. I can only imagine what a terrific mother you have always been for her.

I tell my children how much I love them so often, but I never want there to be any doubt about that. I try to give them a verbal blessing that is specific to one of their gifts or talents in every conversation. It is amazing the power of a godly parent speaking into the life of a child: no matter what age.

Love this....give her a hug from Carlina.

cinnamongirl93 said...

I love your letter to your daughter. You have written a letter that can speak to us all. I thought of my own daughter as I read it.
Thank you for listening to the Holy Spirit!

Kelly said...

beautiful open letter to your daughter. Thanks for letting us share in it.

Edie said...

What a beautiful letter Lorie. I've fallen a little behind in making my blog rounds again. :)

Rich blessings to you my sister!

Angela Baylis said...

Such a beautiful letter... thank you for sharing it with all of us out here in blog land! You have such a gift... and you use it wisely!
Much Love,
Angie xoxo

Mechelle said...

Wow~ This is so beautiful. I pray these same things for my daughter every day~ Thank you for blessing me with your beautiful blog.
((hugs)) Mechelle

Anonymous said...

That was so beautiful...
It touched my heart.

Jennifer said...

What a beautiful and touching letter to your daughter. The love of a mother is priceless. You touched my heart today and challenged me to tell my boys again how much I love them and how proud I am of them.

Have a blessed weekend!

Ballerina Girl said...

i can only hope to find encouraging words like these when my children need me...
thank you for sharing and may your daughter find her path...

From the Heart said...

Lori, Will you send me your email address. I lost yours when my hard drive had to be erased and reloaded. I have a question to ask you. My address is

~Pam~ said...

Lorie, that is so beautiful! You are a wonderful Mom and a big encouragement to many!!

~hugs & blessings~

Heather of Swallowing A Moose said...

Good Morning!

Just a reminder from Heather (@ Swallowing A Moose) of the Giving Thanks @ Thanksgiving Bloggers Event starting tomorrow, Sunday. The dedicated site found at and is ready for those of you who are participating to link up. In case you haven’t heard many of us are dedicating a post on our own blogs of our testimonies as a way of ‘Giving Thanks’ to the Lord for His work in our lives. If you missed the 1st invite just head over to the site and the instructions for how to participate are below the top post. Hope to see your testimony there!

Heather Twitchell
Host of Giving Thanks @ Thanksgiving

~Pam~ said...

Lorie, the recipe calls for wild rice. But I don't see any reason why you couldn't use a different type.

Christina said...

Beautiful letter to your daughter. She is a blessed girl.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us.

jhunnelle said...

what a touching letter from a wonderful mom:)

Praying for your daughter. She is indeed blessed to have you.

Anonymous said...

your blog is just always encourages and uplifts!