Nov 27, 2008

Thank You..From My Heart

A Day Of Thankfulness And Reflection..

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I started blogging in May 2007, yet somehow it seems longer but what a journey it has been so far. The friendships that I have made along the way have been such an awesome experience, never could I have imagined meeting people from all over the world without leaving my home. Thank you to the sisterhood of women who have touched my life, who have encouraged, and inspired me, and have made blogging such a joyful journey. Thank you to my brothers who also come to visit and share their hearts and encourage me as well.

Thank you for your comments, and the awards, for your emails, letters, cards, and special gifts that have been sent to me, they have touched my heart in ways that words can't even express. Sometimes when I'm alone I will go through your cards and letters in a special box that I have them in. Reading them just makes my heart smile when I need a lift, and encourages my spirit to keep writing as you share how you have been touched by a certain post or poetry. I enjoy the little cute women's books of inspiration, poetry, and devotions , it not only blesses, but also refreshes my soul. I hope to get the photos uploaded to my blog so I can share your beautiful gifts.

Thank you for your friendships, kindness, and for sharing your hearts with me each day. Thank you for blessing me through your blogs, and for what the Lord has put upon each of your hearts to share every time you write. Thank you for allowing him to use all of you in such a special way. I am so glad that I followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to start this blog, even when my insecurities got the best of me, because I was not a seasoned or experienced writer.
Thank you for reading each post with your heart, for that is where it begins, from my heart as the spirit of God inspires me.

Thank you to my dear family who encourages me, and cheers me on each day. For their patience, and understanding, as I sit and blog because they know writing is the most wonderful therapy for my soul. I know they love reading what is on my heart and in my soul.

But most of all, on this day I thank you Lord for giving me the courage and assurance to share the gifts you have given me. Thank you for the gift of life, for your joy and strength, peace and comfort, and your faithfulness and grace. Thank you for using me as your instrument, and vessel of encouragement, even as I go through my own personal battles, and struggles along the way. Let me always be reminded that it is not what I do, but what you do through me.

The Task

Do you ever wonder
What your purpose is on earth...
What was the Father’s plans
When he created you with his hands.

He knew us even before
We were placed in the womb
We were on his mind
To be born for such a time.

I know we have a mission
As we live from day to day
To be a shinning light for him
To brighten up the way.

To show his love and kindness
To those we meet and say...
A word of encouragement
A word of hope today.

The choice to make a difference
He leaves for us to make
What a blessed opportunity
One that we should take.

For when we get to heaven
The question will be asked..
What did you do for me on earth
Did you take on the task..

To spread my words of love
And tell them about me
Oh yes Lord, I said to thee..
Well done my faithful servant
Enter in and follow me.

Copyright © 2007-2008 Written By: Lorie A.Yocum


cinnamongirl93 said...

I feel very blessed to have come to know you through your blog. Your encouraging prayers and poems added to my spiritual walk. Thank you!
You are a tree that produces good fruit!

From the Heart said...

Thank you, Lorie, for your inspiring words. We all have so much to be thankful for. For whatever little part I may have played in your life you are very welcome. You are a very special person that God has placed in my life and I thank Him for that. May the road ahead be smooth, without bumps, pitholes, etc. and one day that road will lead us all to a place where there will be no more pain, sickness, heartaches or sorrow. God be with you and bless you as you continue to bless us through the gifts He has given you.

Jennifer said...

Lorie, you deserve every encouraging word that we write to you and about you. Your post offer so much insight, encouragement and words of wisdom...we are the ones who are blessed by you.

Thank you for sharing from you heart, my sister.

God bless you!

Kelly said...

Oh Lorie, thank you for letting God speak to us through you! I am thankful for you as well, if you could please send me your address out there in the islands so I may send you something......just click on my email address next time you visit my blog and send it over...

Love and ((hugs))

Joy said...

Lorie, I've never read someone who pours so much of themselves into a blog. We see your heart and love it. You always point us to Jesus.
Thank you Sister,


P.S. I left you something on my blog.

Cathy said...

And thank you, sweet Lorie for all your words of encouragement. You are a wonderful writer! I do hope you are feeling alright.

Juri said...

Thank you so much for all the encouragment and wonderful thoughts to ponder along the way!!! Thanks, too, for your friendship! I just love reading your posts...each and every one!


Renna said...

Lorie, I just read your Spotlight interview over at CWO. It was great!

Becky said...

And you are such a blessing to me as well. I love coming to read your blog. It is almost always uplifting and encouraging, and any other time its admonishments cause me to look heavenward. Thank you. Another wonderful poem.

Leaon Mary said...

Hey Lorie!
Your inspirations are SO SWEET! And I just want you to know that your friendship.... is such a blessing to me. Visiting ENCOURAGEMENT FROM MY HEART... is ABSOLUTE BLESSING! YOU are amazing Lorie!
I'm so glad you had such a nice Thanksgiving. I am so thankful FOR YOU!!!
That picture on this post is gorgeous!!!
holykisses sistah
Love lea
I'm hoping you'll at least get what I'm sending you by Christmas! lol

Kay Martin said...


You came into my life as I was just opening my eyes to the cloud of widowhood. Self-pity was nudging at me as life attitude. As I read your posts there was no way that sickness could hold me. I am so very thankful to have your creative, comforting, insightful, melodic presence in my life. I've seen Jesus in a new way in you.

Purpose in life? Can it get better than seeing Jesus in you? No.

You are a blessing beyond word description.

Be very blessed.

a Pocket Angel said...

Lorie, Thank you for all your beautiful poems.. How you and your poems warm my heart!
Hope all's well with you and that had a very Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs & love ~Mary~ :-}

Devoted said...

How lovely, Lorie. Your blog has blessed my soul or as we say in the south...blessed my socks off! I pray you have a great week ahead. May God continue you to influence the lives of others on His behalf. ~T

Edie said...

What a beautiful poem and sentiment Lorie. It brought tears to my eyes. I have fallen behind on making the rounds but working on catching up. I'm so glad I stopped by for this bit of refreshment. Love ya!

Oh, I like your new picture too. Very nice! :)

Joyfulsister said...

Hey my sisters..
I'm so glad you came by to visit, I'm trying to get my home in order for the holidays..why is it so hard to let go of stuff lol. I take a break and come here to read, and all of you just make my heart smile!! and brighten up my day with your presence. I'll be visiting you too so make some hot tea for me okay!! lol.

Hugz Lorie

Christina said...

Beautiful poem. What a nice thank you you wrote. You have such a gift and even though I only just found your blog I want you to know that it is touching me. I go through some of your older posts and read them. I feel blessed getting to know you.

Jennifer said...

Hey Girl!

My tree is up too but not a thing on it. That will be the last thing that I get done inside.

I have started collecting nutcrackers this year and I'm having so much fun!!!!

As for the electric bill...I compensate with the electric bill because we are on natural gas, which is sky, this is the 3rd year that we haven't turned our heat on during the winter...unless, the house temp gets below 55 and then it will kick on at night only. We run electric heaters. I'm home all day alone and I hate thinking about the $$$ doing out the roof while no one is here but me in my office. I have timers that come on before we get up and by the time we is toasting in here. Plus, post hysterectomy 2 yrs. ago...I stay hot.

Good luck on your organizing and decorating.

Lori, you really do bless me through your blog and I love the new profile picture.

Take care!!!

Tammy said...

I'm glad you stopped by my blog, God always knows our needs.

I will be praying for your daughter and that God will continue to place reminders of His love before her.

Thank you for praying for my son.

jhunnelle said...

You are welcome, thank you too for not robbing us of the blessings that God wants us to have through your gift of writing and encouraging.

You are such a wonderful woman, i thank God for allowing me to know you, through your blog.

Love yah

Joyfulsister said...

I was thinking tonight as we enter into the Christmas Holiday how much more the gift of friendship really means to me. I look upon each of your faces and I smile and thank the Lord for sisters who shine so radiantly for his glory.

Hugz Lorie

Nancie said...

What a lovely post! Thank you for your encouraging words. I share your sentiment. I am so thankful to God that I can know you and many others all over the world through blogging. Thank God that we can mutually encourage one another. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragements. I am not able to return to active blogging and visiting. And I do missed you and many of our other friends. I really appreciate all your visits and encouraging comments. They mean a lot to me. Thank you for your kindness to me. Take care and may God bless you always with His love and joy, and every blessings.

Michele Williams said...

I am blessed to have met you and have you pray for me!

HOPE said...

A wonderful post Lorie...THANK YOU for the encouragement you are and desire to continually be to all.

I too, never dreamed I'd meet such lovely people in blogland...and be so blessed.

I pray that this next new year...we will be more trusting...more faithful...more encouraging to all of us who share the desire to magnify the LORD Jesus Christ and reach others who do not yet know HIM.

God bless and hugs...