Feb 1, 2009

Brokenness In Stillness

Psalm 34:18, The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit

My spirit was in need of healing, as I tried to write again this morning the Holy Spirit took a hold of my hand. His voice spoke to my heart saying, “Come away with me to a place of healing,” I obeyed, took a hold of his hand, and followed as he lead.

This morning you have called me, your gentle voice filled with so much love and compassion asking me to come and sit by your side. We make our way to our special place of quietness and stillness. It is here that I pour out my heart, and place my injured spirit into your healing hands.

You take my fragile spirit ever so gently, and handle it with such care and tenderness, along the way to your precious hands a few pieces fall. I go to gather them up to give to you, but you say leave them there, except for one, you picked up and placed it into my hands.

You explain to me that the pieces I was to leave behind were full of hurt, and pain, both of which were no longer needed because you would replace them with your healing and forgiveness.

Lord, that one piece you handed to me, why was it so important for I to have it back? He replied, this piece represents brokenness, I don’t want you to ever forget that I was once broken for you, this piece will remind you of the brokenness you will experience from time to time. Remember, this will always join us together; I want you to call upon me, and be dependent upon me in your times of brokenness.

I made a promise in my word, that I would be close to the broken hearted and to those who are crushed in spirit. My word in Isaiah 42:3 says, "A bruised reed I will not break, and a smoldering wick I will not snuff out. When you are bruised and broken, are encouraged to know that I your Father will be near, and promise to save and heal you.

Hold on to that piece of brokenness, so you will be reminded that your Lord of healing, who once was broken for you, who knows what it's like to be hurt and in pain will be there for you in your times of brokenness.

There may be someone who may be experiencing a time of brokenness. Isn't it awesome how we can still encourage one another and not allow the enemy to steal our joy? The LORD our God is in our midst, a victorious warrior, he will exult over us with joy. He will quiet us with His love, He will rejoice over us with shouts of joy. Zech 3:17

Thank you Lord, for drawing near to me during my time of stillness, and quietness, and healing my broken spirit, Thank you for being there for me, in my greatest time of need, in the name of your beloved son Jesus I pray, Amen.

Written By: Lorie A. Yocum © 2009


Sheryl said...

Love these words, thanks for sharing them with all of us. Being broken is painful but for me it has brought me to such a deeper place with the Lord.

Love ya,

Jennifer said...

Lorie...thank you for sharing your heart today. Brokenness is difficult to deal with when we try to on our but when we walk with Jesus through our brokenness...that is where our healing occurs. Thank you for reminding me of that today.


Oma aka Meme said...


Stephanie said...

Bless the name of Jesus, Lorie yes we all have to go through the Brokeness during our walk with the Lord, but this just brings us more closer to him. If we did not experience this then we would not grow and reach higher levels with him.

Beth in NC said...

Hi Lorie,

Thank you for sharing your intimacy with the Lord. It is beautiful!

I wrote about a similar subject today about our trials.

God bless you!

Edie said...

Psalm 34:18 was a scripture that I clung to dearly for a very long time. I hope all is well with you Lorie. Healing is not always quick or easy. Lifting you up my friend.

Love you.

From the Heart said...

Thanks for sharing your very special time with the Lord. My desire is to get closer to Him, but it's not easy. He is using me to help others I'm sure but I have not reached the place where I can sit with Him and listen. I guess it's a slow process but I will keep trying until I've reached the place I want to be.

I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. My life insurance matured and I have applied to another company who have turned me down because my liver counts are high. I was sick during the time the nurse came and I'm praying that whatever was going on in my body caused the counts to go up. The doctor checks my liver every year because of all the ibuprophen I've taken but I've never had a problem so I'm praying this time the counts will be down. (This paragraph can be deleted if you don't mind.)

God bless you Lorie, you are a precious person and I feel so honored to have you as a friend.
God bless you,

Becky said...

I guess you don't know you need fixed until the Lord allows you to be broken. Thank you for sharing may you have a blessed week.

Kay Martin said...

Thank you for your obedience to hear God and give us all what He is saying.

I went to a writing workshop this weekend and you just demonstrated what we were instructed in.

YOu are indeed a beautiful treasure in God's Kingdom.

LisaShaw said...

This was extremely touching! Thank you for sharing.

I also pray that you are well as you rest in the hands and heart of our LORD.

Bless you.

The Raggedy Girl said...

What beautiful sentiments from your heart, thank you for sharing. I love the photo... Hands to Work and Hearts to God.
Roberta Anne

Devoted said...

Lorie, I have so missed visiting you over the past couple of weeks. I truly needed to hear these words today. Thank you for not only listening to Him to for acting upon His directions. I pray He blesses you today and you have blessed me.

Kelly said...

I needed these words today. Can you believe you are the 2nd blog with Psalm 34:18 I've read today, after having a time of prayer saying "Where were you God, where???"

Thank you.

A Free Spirit Butterfly said...

Wow, Lorie
This is simply beautiful. My big sister has a broken spirit and this would lift her up if she was a Christian. I talk to my sisters all the time about what Christ has done for me and my once broken spirit, but they have yet to submit to his will. I know we all arrive at that point at different times in our lives and it is my deepest prayer that my big sister get there a lot sooner than later.

Great theme music as well. I love the way you put words together and how it soothes the soul. Happy Monday and happy rest of the week as well (smile)
The butterfly

BlueRose said...

Thank you for the wonderful works Lorie I sure did need that today. I sure hope things are O.K. with you, your in my prayers always.

Tracy said...

Lorie, thank you for the kind words you left on my blog and for sharing a bit of your story with me!

I enjoyed reading your devotional. Hope you have a wonderful evening. :)

Laurie said...

Dear Lorie,
What a beautiful and encouraging post!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog, your is lovely, I think I will stay for a bit and explore.
Have a wonderful day!


Hi Lorie,
So you are looking for buttons:) I'll keep my eye out for some...any colors you are looking for?!
You walk with the Lord is awesome.

God Chaser said...

Wow it seems as if I haven't visited for a long while, Brokeness in Stillness what a lovely post. I want to share with you- I have a small collection of angels, some are very fragil and I broke the wings on 2 -I almost threw them out, but something in my spirit wouldn't let me- The Holy Spirit said God does not get rid of the broken, so I kept them and I keep them on my dresser as a reminder that is my brokeness God desires and the broken things (me) God desires. May we always pick up the broken pieces and return them to Him.

Also I caught on the prayer for your friends-thank you how beautiful it was. All your poetry minister to my heart.

Thank you my friend for taking me on this journey of stillness- I really need it.

Blessings, love, peace and joy to your heart.


Edie said...

2nd try...

Hey my sweet friend - Shoot me an email and I'll give you my addy.
or just click on the contact button on my blog. :)


Kay Martin said...

Brokenness...yes, unless we face it and keep it near we are not tift for Kingdom of God missions.

This week I interviewed a woman for an article coming up in a publication.

To relax her I had to share some of my childhood brokenness.

She flowed the most amazing story. As we were leaving she thanked me for sharing my pain. I understood her need. In fact, if a speaker or a leader will not show their limp or scar I usually feel no need to regard them as signficant to my life changing needs.

I pray your healing is prompt and I hold onto you are healed. Love you so much. Your writing feeds my spirit and I thank God for you.

Janet Hopper said...

Hello Lorie,
It has been awhile since I have been here to your site. You have made changes to it...very nice. Enjoyed your words on being broken, a wonderful reminder. Hope you are doing well...I think of you often and refer to you when I am with friends and family as to what an inspiration you are to me.
Love You...Janet Hopper - Wisconsin

Alene said...

Lorie, I stopped by to visit.Have to apologize for not visiting lately. And here I sit amazed at how God always speaks through you to me. I am in a period of brokenness. I needed your words, mostly I needed Gods words. Love ya sistah! Keep writing and touching many.

Juri said...

It never ceases to amaze me how we have the answer to every single question in our lives in the Bible! As always, your post reflects the name of your blog perfectly...Encouragment From My Heart. Thank you for this one, as very few escape being broken at some point in their lives!


jhunnelle said...

brokenness keeps us humble before God, thank you for reminding me that i need to be always broken before the Lord.

Love yah sistah (((((hugsss))))

Penny said...

So true! Thank you so much for sharing this. It's such an encouragement to me.

Debra said...

That was so beautiful, and a good reminder-that He wastes NOTHING! He can use our hurts too-if we give them to Him.
I'm always blessed when I visit you!
Love, Debra

Joy said...

As I was reading your beautiful words I thought of Isaiah 40:11 He tends His flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them close to His heart.

Aren't those the sweetest words that He carries us close to His heart.

♥ Joy