Sep 23, 2009

Lord, I Can't Pray

There are times...

When we get tired of waiting for answered prayers.
When we are desperate for a break through in prayer.
When we are too weary in our souls to pray.

When we are so down and depressed to pray.
When we are too sick in our bodies and in pain to pray.
When we are too hurt, angry, or bitter, to pray.

When we feel so much guilt, and shame,to pray.
When we are at loss for words to attempt to pray.
When we are too grieved in our hearts to want to pray.
When we are feeling hopeless in our spirit to pray.
When we feel so defeated in life to pray.
When we are dealing with oppression to pray.

The Holy Spirit understands, he really does care. The Lord cares so much that he tells us in these scriptures how he will do our praying for us, and be beside us. Each tear we cry is a prayer, each groan is a prayer, when all we can say is help me, he helps us, and he goes to the Father and presents our prayers for us.

Romans 8:26.. Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s spirit is right along side us helping us along. If we don’t know how, or what to pray, it does not matter. He does our praying in, and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, and aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, and keeps us present before God.

Our Prayer.. Lord today is one of those times when I am finding it difficult to pray. Heal whatever emotions or circumstances that abide within me, I thank you sweet Jesus for being there to intercede, and present, my prayers up to the throne room of God, to our Father who is in heaven.
In your precious name we pray.. Amen. Remember God is Faithful, and you are Loved.

Encouragement From My Heart Devotions
Copyright © 2007-2009 Written By: Lorie A. Yocum


Edie said...

Praying for you now Lorie.

This is so true. I can't even begin to tell you how often I have been at a loss for words when I pray, and for many of the reasons you have listed.

Thank you for posting this. It is an encouraging reminder.

Much love to you my friend.

RCUBEs said...

I'm so grateful that He's there to intercede for us anytime, anywhere when we are not up to praying...Take care sister and may you have a wonderful week. May God stir our souls and always give us a hungry heart...hungry for His Word. Love and blessings to you. Hope you're feeling well...

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

The title showed up on Faith Folk and I had to rush over....A beautiful post <3

Mary said...

He knew we would have times of difficulty in many area, including prayer, so gave us an Intercessor that could unerstand the slightest murmur of need. Wonderful post that explains it well.

God bless,

LisaShaw said...

Precious Lorie, I'm praying for you dear one. May the Hand of GOD remain on you and HEAL you in Jesus Name. May you find comfort, strength and peace in HIM.

Sometimes we are to weak to get to the feet of Jesus but if you just whisper His name. Just reach out to Him; even if you don't know what to pray or you're struggling in some way -- just call on His Name.

There is GREAT power in His Name.

Jesus -- Jesus -- Jesus.

Love you.

Nicole said...

Praying for you Lorie!

Jennsmere said...

Hi Lorie...just checking in...

I hope that you know what a breath of fresh air you are to my soul. This was exactly what I needed today...I have been sick all week and had a headache for over a week....I was hurting so bad that I just couldn't pray....I love the version of this scripture that you is exactly what happened for me this afternoon. Already feeling better!

Thank you, sweet Lorie...
Love you!

Cinder Rail'lee said...

You are one beautiful lady! Thank you for posting this, because I always feel guilty for having most of these issues =(

Love to you sis!

crochet lady said...

I'm so thankful the Lord knows our thoughts, our inner person and our deepest needs. When there are no words to form he is the Word for us.


Leaon Mary said...

Praying for you Lorie.

It seems we all have those times where we can't find the right words. Sometimes I just wring my hands and cry... but He knows our hearts and hears our heartcry.

I love ya honey
holykisses xoxo

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

God truly is faithful. Sometimes we just need a little reminder.

Nancie said...

Thank you for sharing poem with us, Lorie. It is a comfort to remember that the Lord and the Holy Spirit is interceding for us.

Thank God for hearing our prayers in many wonderful ways. Thank God for His mercies that my brother, Daniel, is discharged from the hospital and is now resting at home!

Thank God for preserving my brother's life and restoring him. I just posted more details about it on my post today. Do read my post and thanksgiving to God, if you have time.

I thank God for your prayers and encouragements during this difficult time. It means a lot to me as this brother is very dear to me. I thank God upon every remembrance of you.

My brother is very grateful for your prayers too. He wrote:

"After one of the toughest and most life-challenging cum life-changing ordeal of my life from 9th Sept 2009 to yesterday, 23rd Sept 2009, I finally came home from the hospital. Yes, it was a most difficult time of suffering, physically and mentally....
I thank God and everyone for your prayers and concern. I needed them very much."

Please continue to remember him in your prayers for his salvation and restoration.

Thank you and have a blessed day!


~PakKaramu~ said...

Visiting your blog

Denise said...

My beautiful friend, I praise God for knowing, even when I cannot find the words to speak. I love you.

Joy said...

Thank you Holy Spirit for praying for me.

Beautiful reminder Lorie,


Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hi Lorie, thank you for visiting and for your prayers. I appreciate your concern so much.
Oh how wonderful that you live in Hawaii. After my first 15 months of chemo, my husband to me, bald head and all to my dream vacation, Hawaii. Honestly, I think I talk about it at least once a week. I would so love to go back someday.
I hope you are feeling well...have a good weekend and visit again anytime.

Paula V said...

I know too well about being tired of waiting and desperate for a breakthrough...depressed and weary to the depths of the soul. I find I get tired of asking for the same miracle, the same guidance, the same changes, the same breakthrough. Yet, eventually coming back aroundn to ask again.

Warren Baldwin said...

Very encouraging. I hope the HOly Spirit has been praying for me today! I haven't been, but I am going to, soon. Thanks for this post.

I am going to have a drawing for a free book on my blog probably next week. It is for the one I have written, Roaring Lions, Cracking Rocks and Other Gems from Proverbs. You can link over there and read a little about it now, and check in next week for the drawing. WB

From the Heart said...

I'm trying to catch up with everyone. My husband and I left on Sept 23rd (our 47th anniversary) to spend some time with out daughter in Virginia Beach. We came home on Sunday.
I love your post. I'm so thankful that God understands our needs and helps us even when we can't help ourselves.

Looking forward to good reports from your tests.

I had a dental appointment today and found out that an area the dentist first thought was a large decay and would have to remove a cap to get it all was something else. He didn't really know what it was but felt I did not have to have more work with a new cap. Praise God. I go Wednesday for my yearly physical with my medical doctor. I'm praying my cholesterol, blood pressure, potassium level and liver counts will all be normal.
What a mighty God we serve.
Love you and praying for you,